Monday, November 17, 2008

i'm it . . .

so here's my day so far . . .

- woke up at 3:15 a.m. in edmond
- got in the car at 4:00 a.m. and headed to dfw so i could be at school by 7:45 a.m.
- sat in meetings all day long

i am, by all accounts, brain dead. since my aunt j "tagged" me in her blog, i figured i would take advantage of it and participate. and, i'll be honest, i'm participating because i love the picture that came up when i searched through my folders. the rules were: go to the sixth picture folder and post the sixth picture in that folder.

this is a picture of my dad taking pictures of jessica and me in new york running around a park on the upper east side in our graduation robes.  it's a pose i've seen my dad make for years, so this picture makes me smile.  also, i am watching guilty obsession #1 of the week and had to laugh when i looked at the picture and heard the familiar voice say, "hello upper-eastsiders..." question: why did i never see chuck bass whenever i went to visit my sister?

now, i have to tag people . . . jessica (not the sister), amy, tiffany, heather, and melissa in georgia.  i would link to your blogs, but if you remember the beginning of my post i professed lack of brain activity. now that's just turned itself into exhaustion.

1 comment:

Janet said...

That's my brother-in-law the paparazzi(sp?) !