Monday, November 10, 2008

grocery shopping, part deaux?

wow. we'll ignore the fact that a second grocery store post in less than a week may indicate my lack of excitement in the whole life thing lately and move on to my tale.

so.  when cousin erin was here a few weeks ago, i made her eat dinner at the grocery store not once, but twice.  now.  this isn't your normal grocery . . . think whole foods, but add a whole lotta texas pride.  well, and the cafe with free wifi access.  and ice cold dublin dr pepper.  and live music.  it's pretty much heaven.  it's also my new favorite place to grade.  

yesterday - the day after the horrible day of college football - lucy and i hung out at the park and celebrated north texas and its touches of fall (finally!).

well, fall-ish . . . but isn't lucy pretty?

see!  there's fall.  stop laughing, you people with seasons.

i should probably not let her do this, but she takes off toward the water fountain 
when she sees it and i would kind of like to keep my arm.

okay.  so after the day at the park, i decided to hang out at the grocery store cafe.  it was great: i ate sushi and fresh fruit, drank a root beer, graded book reports, and played around on facebook.  then, i decided to go get my fruits and veggies for the week.  and this, dear blog readers, is the entire reason i am posting this.

here's me.  choosing a tomato.  (because if you have ever had to shop with me when picking out a tomato or avocado, you might know that it takes me ages.)  and i notice a girl/chick/lady about my age.  i noticed her because a) she had super cute pink glasses which i immediately coveted and b) because she was my age and had like a 6 year old and a baby baby (and yes, i know this is not really abnormal anymore, but 6 years ago i couldn't even wake up on time to get to work.) and c) she was having a very loud conversation on the phone with someone whom she "loved, too."  but then, her little girl - who was totally decked out with blue glitter eye shadow and bright pink lipstick - distracted me because she was running around picking up every single piece of produce she could touch, saying things like "mom, we need a papaya."  and all the while i am still trying to decide between roma or vine tomatoes.

then i notice blue eyeshadow girl head toward the grapes and grab a bunch of them and run them to her mom's basket and plop them in.  and her mom FREAKS out and says "NO!!!  THESE ARE NOT ORGANIC!!!"  to which i automatically rolled my eyes, cute taste in glasses be damned.  and then, 6 year-old blue eyeshadow girl says very loudly and with all of the adolescent she could muster, "WHO CARES, MOM?"  and yall.  it was the funniest thing i had heard in a very long time . . . 

the funniest thing i saw was 10 seconds later when she carted her NON-ORGANIC grapes back to where she found them and then she took two, TWO! grapes and popped them into her mouth and walked back to her mother with her hands on her hips.  oh boy.  those two are gonna have fun starting in about 5 years.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Hey Sarah - you've been tagged! I don't normally do these but I saw this on cousin Jo's blog so if you need something to post - here it is!