Thursday, September 4, 2008

will write more later - no. i lied. i won't.

i am on my way to work, but i had to share this link to mama pop.  i'm going to write more later, but after i do, i'm done with politicking and feministing for a while.  but let me just say this: i am DISGUSTED by the comments i heard yesterday from "feminists" who were questioning whether or not palin can do a good job while being a mother at the same time.  WHAT?  i'm sorry.  did i misunderstand?  i thought that was what the feminist movement was about . . . that women can do whatever they want and be whatever they want.  we have a choice.  that's what i've been taught my entire life, so why are people - aka "feminist" women - trying to suddenly take that away?

okay.  seriously.  i'll write more later.  you don't have to read it or agree with it.  that's your choice. - actually, i've decided i'm done writing on this topic.  :)  movin' on.

p.s.  i'm too young to remember 1984's election, so unfortunately all i've seen are pictures of ferraro.  so for me, seeing a woman accept the nomination for vice president OF ANY PARTY was incredible last night.  just saying.

1 comment:

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

I appreciated your comments.... I was totally ticked about the comments on whether she could do it being a woman. Hope she shuts them all matter how this all plays out.