Thursday, February 19, 2009

wasting time.

if you have ever checked out the blog roll to the right, you will have noticed how about orange.  i LOVE this site.  yes . . . the orange is the obvious reason, but she also has really great DIY tips that i bookmark like crazy for that day i have a house with walls i can paint and build things into.  anyway.  she posted a link to this quiz today to see what your decorating style is.  i've seen lots of these, but this one is my favorite.  plus, i think it got me right on . . . with a nearly three way tie of classic, cottage chic, and rustic revival.  


Anonymous said...

Wine Country and Rustic Revival--it's all about taking the old with the new :)


Anonymous said...

Wine Country and Rustic Revival--it's all about taking the old with the new :)